It seems that the more anxious and caged I feel, the greater the desire to write in rhyme. Maybe its safety or the need to tame my brain; don’t over think it, live in the moment, go for the present ! Oh dear well that's not going to happen just writing this ....
You cannot change, the who or what.
About yourself or what you’ve got.
But family lessons, people’s way,
You’ve time to ponder how things lay.
The spoilt one, its love they seek
Who spoils all, acceptance weak.
For now old age Mum matters not.
Must be the first, must get the lot.
And then the brother damaged so.
Who can’t respond, who doesn’t know.
Just how to love or selfless care.
Moneys his god, he doesn’t dare.
And somewhere lost in age & time
My father sits with mind sublime.
But locked in guilt and anger too.
That war lost youth with feelings true.
And nuclear family, wonderful Ron.
Intelligent, creative, loving strong.
Daughter steadfast, caring so.
Son so loving consistent know.
Relations close the circle fast.
Making sure my life can last.
Be the brother, hold the line.
Niece and in law, all is fine.
And friends and neighbours all who care.
With gifts and message, sentiment fair.
You make me strong, you keep me sane.
You’ll never know, you ease the pain.
All the love around and all the care, I am humbled and honoured. I feel nurtured and privileged to know how much people, not only feel positively about me, but that they are prepared to publicly share that. I spent many years, both in work, social ways, countering the professional jealousies and workplace fighting, with people envying or showing animosity.
But now I feel the warmth of care, the softness of love and the all-embracing
calmness of hope.
Thank you all