Saturday, 16 August 2014

Tick, Tock Time...

We measure many things in daily life and give them value, but when it comes down to it only one thing matters… time itself! All else we can potentially acquire, save for, accumulate, store or even steal .But not time.
Indeed we tend to use negative terms for the noun TIME. We ‘save’ time, have a ‘hard time’, wait a’ long time’ when we describe this valuable commodity. We are dismissive of it; ‘anytime’, ‘sometime’, ‘overtime’ or we ‘waste time’.
We even quantify time; we ‘manage’, have ‘timetables’, are counting time] , ‘marking time’, seeing time passing or give ‘time out’! If it doesn’t move as we think and resolution is not planned, we look for ‘extra time’, we ‘reflect on time’ and hope that ‘time heals.
But in the ‘course of time’, we realise that ‘time matters’, it is the one final limit. Equally & importantly, time is the most precious commodity we can have. So as time waits for no man’ and ‘time doesn’t stand stil'l, I’ve come to think that just keeping ‘keeping pace with time ’or ‘letting time pass’, makes no difference. Time is what it is, ‘a life time’.

Ever noticed how the best words are four lettered, I mean the words like ‘good’, ‘love’, ‘hope’ , not merely words but real emotions. So when the doctor, speaking to an elderly patient gives ‘time’, when our neighbours in France share coffee time, or when visitors sitting at your bedside natter and share; they all give their most precious of gifts ‘time’!
All those calls and cards, those mails and twitters, those gifts and letters they are all peoples way if giving me the gift of their time and its is quite magical. So I have one strong hope: Give me time to say thank you, time to love and time to breathe


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