Strange just how important peoples good wishes are. They say " I know it doesn't mean much...", but actually it means a great deal. Knowing you are in peoples thoughts and that they care, gives a great feeling of support; not being alone.
So having had so much empathy from my husband, because I seem to be getting yet another bladder infection and a lovely long chat with an old colleague & firm friend I was feeling quite cheered this morning.
Sadly as the day wore on so did the infection and I had to visit the local Minor Injuries Unit at the Cottage Hospital. It was there I learnt the compassion & care of strangers is also very heartening.
Yes I had a nasty infection, yes I needed medication, if this doesn't improve it this was what to do; in short a whole care plan and buckets full of reassurance. Forthright answers, eyes met, no euphemisms and all the jargon & results explained, I came away feeling better at heart.
Husbands hand in mine, friends voice on the phone and a strangers factual kindness have all made today so much better. Thank you all...
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