Monday, 3 February 2014

The first corner piece....

I always wondered how it felt the moment before you realised the bullet had hit, or the seconds prior to the sound of crumpling metal; not a morbid sort of wonder, just curiosity. Did you actually register the event, was it all too fast, how much of your life flashed before you. Be a bummer if in those precious seconds you only saw the mundane or remembered the annoyances, such a waste!

Well yesterday I found out, un dramatically, calmly and medicinally and the first piece of the grey jigsaw was set in place. Came about in a follow up hospital visit post a minor op, which should have been my clean bill of health, when I was told that the biopsy they had undertaken showed abnormalities.

Sort of realised when the top medic, plus his junior colleague and a nurse all came in; " I'm in trouble here!" After that the words & euphemisms were thick & fast and I only had to look around that bright room to see the intensity of the empathy in those eyes. Suddenly my life and my very self were on hold.I had started to assemble the pieces of a puzzle with no outcome picture, just grey.

So today I decided to do what I do best & deal with the world in words. I intend not to offend, or advise, seek aid or gather anything, simply to express myself. So here goes

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